Backup Solutions


An Affordable And Easy To Use
Backup Solution for your Business !

   We offer a simple solution to ensure your critical files are protected. Too often there are no backup files available when a system crash occurs in your business. Usually, the two main reasons are:

  • No backup system present (too expensive, too complicated, or no time to shop around and compare the solutions on the market).

  • The backup system is too complicated to use and nobody does it on a regular basis.

   A question that we like to ask our customers is: if we took you computer away right this minute what would happen to your business ? Usually, the answer is: we would be out of business. Think about it, no more customer list, addresses, phone numbers, no more billing records, inventory or tax information! This can easily happen, a hard drive can crash, a fire can destroy your computer or a user can accidentally erase important files.

   Bigger corporations usually have big servers and a dedicated technical person on staff who is responsible for this task (among others) and they have specialized software, processes and hardware. Sometimes, companies use freeware/shareware software and a Zip drive or CDRom burner....until they run out of space on the Zip drive or just cannot deal anymore with the CD burning process. But a lot of smaller businesses have no protection at all ... and just hope for the best.

   You can eliminate that risk for your business ! Our low cost backup solution is as simple as it gets and will require little time from you. The first time we will sit down with you and list all files and folders which need to be backed up. Then it only takes 1 minute to initiate the backup process and usually after 5 to 20 minutes the backup is finished.

   We provide everything from beginning to end. We will select an external USB 2.0 drive and install it. We provide a very easy to use software to copy all the crucial files to this external drive from your computer and/or from your server and all computers connected to it. A typical backup scenario would be:

  • Plug the connection cable into your hard drive.

  • Double-click on the backup icon on your desktop.

  • After 5 to 20 minutes (depending of the size and quantity of files to backup), a message appears to let you know that the process succeeded.

  • Hit [Enter] to exit the program, unplug the hard drive and take it to a safe remote location (like a safe in your home).

That's all there is to it!

   The drives we select are usually big enough to allow multiple backup copies to allow you to go back two, three or four weeks (i.e. when a file becomes unreadable and it was not detected in the first or second week). There is no compression of the files so they can be easily tested and retrieved with a simple drag and drop in your file manager.

   The cost for the complete solution including all necessary hardware, software, setup and configuration of the files to backup, demonstration, quick reference sheet, labor and travel time is $790.

   We also offer complete computer restore solutions.

Don't take a chance, contact us today to get this quick,
affordable and easy to use backup solution!

Contact:  Mike Roman
248 867 1776